What is a private coach?
As a Coach, I'm neither a consultant nor a problem-solver. My coaching technique will help you establish new neural pathways toward success. My goal is to help you find a deeper engagement in every area of your life. I'm a part of your team, to help you clearly define and reach your goals. Together we will use various tools to explore and achieve this. Whether it's discussion sessions, journaling, physical movement, meditation or a combination of these, we'll work within your comfort zone to help you rise to the next level and live the life that inspires you!
Come ready to work, because your success takes focus and determination!
How long does coaching last?
We can work together anywhere from a few weeks to a few years, depending on your situation. Sometimes, clients need only a little help finding clarity, direction and a sense of ease in places where they have been stuck. Often, people utilize coaching as a tool to stay on track and continually achieve their next level of success.
What does something like this cost?
Ahhh...the big question. What will this cost you? How much would you invest in yourself to help you improve your life, your outlook and achieve your goals?
SNEAK PEEK: See if coaching is right for you with a special offer: 3 session package. 60 minute sessions (phone, skype or in-person). Investment: $400
ONE DAY INTENSIVE: Together we'll work to discover where you are going and what's holding you back. 5 hours of intensive work, that you will walk away from with an established plan of action. Then, within the next two months, we'll have 2 follow up 60 minute phone sessions to gauge your progress and adjust your path. Investment: $950
BRAVE PACKAGE - 3 MONTH "CONNECT": An initial 90 minute session will help us get a clear picture of what you wish to manifest in your life. After that, one hour bi-weekly calls or skype sessions (6) will help build the path step by step. Investment: $900 ($150 per hour session after)
BOLD PACKAGE - 6 MONTH TRANSFORMATION: It takes about 21 days to establish habits, 3 months to see real change and 6 months to solidify a transition. This process will take us through a half-year together as you step into your Brave Bold Being!
An initial one hour session will help us create a plan. After that, one hour bi-weekly calls or skype sessions (12 total) and
within the next three months. $1,500
PRIVATE YOGA or BREATHWORK: This is an in-person service and can be done in the comfort of your home. Add it to any package above and let your transformation move through you on every level; physically, emotionally and mentally. Investment: $125/hour add on with package.