Crafting your life's story...
Maya Angelou once said, "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."
Join a program and discover what lights you up, inspires you, rocks your world. can begin to journey along the path that leads to living the life you love.
30 Day Facebook Challenge
Begins again Nov 3
Sometimes all we need is a little kick-start to motivate us, to point us in the right direction. Living on Purpose is just that! I’ve created this 30-day social media event as a way to begin to create change and transformation in a fun, supportive community.
Being truly present changes our life, and Living on Purpose is designed to help you do just that. For thirty days you’ll be challenged to develop and maintain new habits that will help you achieve greater clarity and focus around your goals, your relationships with others, and yourself.
A Workshop Experience
“What’s Your Story?” is a workshop designed to both entertain and inspire. By using a powerfully unique combination of writing exercises, storytelling and mythology, meditation techniques, and a transformational breathing session, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how to use the tools of the mind and body to establish new neural pathways that will bring you closer to a more fulfilling life.
7 week Facebook Challenge
There are 7 dimensions of our own personal wellness;
*The Mind-Body Connection, *Movement, Nutrition & Rest, *Relationships & Communication
*Personal & Creative Development
*Professional Development
*Physical Environment
This 7 week challenge is designed to help you "Power Up" in each of these areas by setting personalized goals and creating positive habits.